Sunday, August 1, 2021



Resistance to Liberation was the theme of Very Rev. Fr. Ugonwa's homily deliver today, Sunday 1st of August, 2021 at Christ the King Catholic Church, GRA, Enugu.
In his homily, he encourages members of the church to always be happy and grateful irrespective of the condition one finds his or herself, even in the midst of insecurity in this Nation.
Relating the theme to the readings of the day, he stress that "any miracle that one receives that don't promote God's work in one's life is a 419 (fraud) miracle.

God gave Israelites manner everyday not because of their complain but because God want Israelites to understand that he (God) manifest himself in various ways.

He further charge the members of God's church to stop complaining always because complaining always has a way of bringing the downfall of a man and also negative addiction to things brings downfall of a man too.

Quoting the scripture from the book of Matthew 4 vs 4 "Man must not live by bread alone...."
And what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and losses his soul? (Mark 8 Vs 36)

In conclusion, he urge members of the church of God not to have anything that will separate them from the love of God (Romans 8 Vs 38)

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